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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

{Working Out Wednesday} “It's never too late to become what you may have been.”

We hit record highs in Detroit today, something like 97 degrees with 105% heat index... To say it was hot is the understatement of the century. It feels like Satan's kitchen. Yes, it really is THAT hot. All I could think about all day was coming home and getting under a fan with a lot of water and vegging out with Shey until her bedtime. Then, the power went out. All of a sudden; I'm lost! With no TV and no home phone my first thought is to shut off my cell phone to conserve its' energy in case power isn't restored soon. My second thought is to hurry up and sneak in my workout so I wouldn't have to work out in the dark later.

I. Have. Been. Going. IN! For real. I heard my favorite radio personality Ramona Prater of The F Club Radio Show say that "It's never too late to become what you may have been." How true! A few days ago; I totaled up how much weight I've lost since having my daughter (I put on 70 lbs during the pregnancy).
Are you ready for this?

Brace yourself...

 90 lbs! I have lost 90 lbs in the last 4 and a half years. So why am I still working out you ask?

Well. the problem is; I'll lose 20, put on 15. Lose 10, gain 15 and so on and so on. I've decided that it's time to stop the round and round.

Ten summers ago, I made a very similar decision while living in Huntsville. It had less to do with weight loss than it did just to be stronger. I bought a weight bench from a guy who was moving away and used it every day. Sounds simple right? It really was. All I did was hit the weights everyday for 15-20 minutes before work then walk the 13 blocks to get to work. (That piece was done out of pure necessity since I didn't have a car).

Before I knew it; everyone was telling me how much weight I was losing; I didn't have a scale to track it, but it didn't matter. I wasn't doing it for the scale; I was doing it for the way it made me feel. And, by doing it that way; the results in lbs came naturally. 

I was on the weight loss path big time at the beginning of the year. Then, I sprained my ankle. I was afraid at worst, tentative at best  about doing anything to anger my sensitive ankle.

Now, four months later, the ankle is as close to 100% that it'll probably ever be so I'm going in. Wish me luck... I'll keep y'all posted!

'Slowly Surely' - Jill Scott

         I've always loved this song but I have adopted it as my workout theme. Too often; we get on the path to fitness and let it go because we don't see the results we want in the time that we deem fit. I tell myself that I will have to do it slowly, but it will come off surely. (And there's the added emotional benefit of knowing that much of the weight that I've gained back in years past was due to heartbreak. By getting rid of the weight, I am letting the evidence of those heartbreaks go.) 


  1. Thank you for sharing this Achsha. You're as much fun to read as to talk with.

  2. I remember those walks :) I'm happy for u... I gained about as much when I had kirsten... My problem is I'll lose (75) and then put it right back on again.... I'm making the effort again... Keep up the great work

  3. Thanks Sheri! I miss our monthly convos... And we're overdue for sushi and saki! :)

    And Chris... Do you remember the weight bench in the living room? Fortunately; I've gor a whole room dedicated to exercise equipment now. :) And Thanks.
    And get back to it! It's never too late to become what you may have been.
